Heart rending story. Evil runneth amok in DOJ. Watching events and closely following the J6 stories, I’ll simply say this isn’t what my dad, uncle’s and myself fought wars for. Millions in Heaven are weeping for Matthew, Ashley and the thousands more affected by this horrific treatment of American citizens. God Bless you for your diligent efforts for them, and for telling Matthew’s story.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Shipwreckedcrew

Just a suggestion, and I say this as someone with no skin in the game, but...

Although this was a 'free' article, anybody that liked this piece and have concerns with the other things that are happening with the J6 persecutions should, if they haven't already, subscribe to ShipWreckedCrew's substack.

The country needs what he's doing to help the people being persecuted, politically, by the Dems and their allies in the justice system.

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"...will have to live with that on their consciences for the rest of their lives."

I would not assume that person has a conscience.

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There has to be restitution to the families for this and punishment for the people that just followed orders. The whole DC circuit needs to be disbanded and the DOJ culled with safeguards so this can never happen again.

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I can’t believe only one judge did the right thing. What happened to our country?

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I’m curious if the DOJ people, who know who they are and are responsible for this travesty, have their names published as a matter in public records? Just as Matthew’s name is. Their neighbors and families have a right to know what kind of people they truly are.

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Michael R Sherwin, acting US Attorney for DC, filed the original complaint. Sherwin was part of the Trump administration and was out in early March 2021. Nihar Mohanty, Assistant US Attorney, signed the plea deal. Mohanty is still in his job in the DC US Attorney’s office.

It is wrong for these people to be allowed to hide behind the office. If they’re doing their jobs well they should be proud and glad to be associated with the work they do. Proper prosecution is the least we should expect of the people we hire to keep the rule of law.

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This story needs to go national and cited in Law Schools. Thank you for your efforts in opposing the maladministration of our legal system. I hope Matthew's story lead to positive change.

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"...will have to live with that on their consciences for the rest of their lives. "

Bill: What makes you think these DC DoJ apparatchiks have a conscience? It isn't like they work in the Eastern District of Oklahoma or Western District of Arkansas (Judge Parker is long in his grave) where AUSAs do not see their job as extracting revenge from misdemeanor offenders (or have First Assistants with that view).

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This started in the early 1990s with Hillary (mainly) and Bill Clinton;s use of the "justice system" to control and upcharge simple billing mistakes of physicians in an ultimate effort to control private practice medicine. Many practitioners were emotionally broken by these "pile on" practices. Some state medical societies woke up, protested and gave legal assistance. (finally)

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I'd say it started in '64 with Johnson's welfare programs which included Medicare and Medicaid.

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Sadly, in my opinion, those responsible for the enhancement decisions at DOJ accomplished exactly the outcome they hoped would occur with anyone wearing MAGA gear. A Death Sentence by any means. Look no farther than a Grandmother sentenced to 4 years in prison for praying in front of an abortion clinic…………….

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Matthew Perna: victim of judicial murder USA circa 2021-2024 reign of Biden administration DOJ fascist terror.

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When politicians put their finger on the scale of justice…

If only those who insisted on the enhanced sentencing could be charged with a hate crime.

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Well done Ship, and thanks for making it available to all.

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If the individuals who did this had consciences, there would be no call for you to write this article.

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What a mess. The DOJ needs a makeover.

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Bill, I thought I'd add a monthly subscription on Give Send Go and went to the website. Signed in and clicked on the followed campaign, clicked on send money, monthly and designated funds. No pre-filled fields, asking me to sign in (again). Signed in and - I was no longer in the donation area. For whatever reason they have screwed up the programming so the routine doesn't return to the donation page when signing in and doesn't recognize you are already signed in when you click on the donation icon. Frustrating.

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It has always been a very friendly website and I met the owner once in D.C. I'll send them a note and see what they say. Thanks for your support Ed.

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