The Global Health Alliance litigation is a case study of passive-aggressive lawyering at its finest by DOJ which danced the Plaintiffs and Judge into a no-win situation.
I am heartened to know that Trump's DOJ appears to contain some very fine lawyers that are willing to go to the mat to establish the President's Article II authority. Their lawyering to date in response to left-wing lawfare has been fun to watch.
A bit off topic and I hate to sound naive but what precisely is the track of the money once the "check" is printed or the electronic transfer is sent by the U.S. Treasury . Does the money go to the USAID Field Office who supposedly distribute/administer the funds or does the money go directly to the NGO? How many hands do the funds go through? Who actually initially approves release of the funds? Follow the money.
Ship, this judge is clearly unqualified to hold this position. Impeachment is out of the question. Are there alternatives to removing him for "cause"? If so, has it ever been done?
Surely this another instance of ignorance coupled to arrogance that this crowd has exhibited for the last four years. I enjoyed your timely unveiling which left his honour de-robed! Just joined your substack but look forward to more thoghtful commentary.
Indiana Senator Mike Braun was elected Gov. of Indiana. He said he needed to miss the Senate session because of matters involving his transition to Gov. Here is the Senate roll call for Ali -- 50-49. Braun would have made it 50-50, and VP Harris was in Hawaii
I am heartened to know that Trump's DOJ appears to contain some very fine lawyers that are willing to go to the mat to establish the President's Article II authority. Their lawyering to date in response to left-wing lawfare has been fun to watch.
A bit off topic and I hate to sound naive but what precisely is the track of the money once the "check" is printed or the electronic transfer is sent by the U.S. Treasury . Does the money go to the USAID Field Office who supposedly distribute/administer the funds or does the money go directly to the NGO? How many hands do the funds go through? Who actually initially approves release of the funds? Follow the money.
Ship, this judge is clearly unqualified to hold this position. Impeachment is out of the question. Are there alternatives to removing him for "cause"? If so, has it ever been done?
Removal for cause is only by impeachment.
Surely this another instance of ignorance coupled to arrogance that this crowd has exhibited for the last four years. I enjoyed your timely unveiling which left his honour de-robed! Just joined your substack but look forward to more thoghtful commentary.
Thanks for the detailed explanation.
So the Judge ordered the USA to disburse $20,000,000,000 by way of a TRO and the bond is?
Great analyses, thanks.
" (VP Harris breaking the tie) only because one GOP Senator opted to not be present for the vote"
Who is the one GOP Senator?
Indiana Senator Mike Braun was elected Gov. of Indiana. He said he needed to miss the Senate session because of matters involving his transition to Gov. Here is the Senate roll call for Ali -- 50-49. Braun would have made it 50-50, and VP Harris was in Hawaii
I like your scenario. But it's hard to believe republicans could think harder than a couple sternly worded letters.