Thanks ship I always love your analysis You and techno fog are my go to reads on the lawfare front best 5 bucks a month I I could spend.

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Even though Smith hasn't requested it, couldn't Chutkan just amend her protective order in the interest of "saving time?"

It seems to me that rule 6e(i) gives Chutkan broad discretion here.

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While I find this article interesting, your naiveté amuses and amazes me. Do you honestly think alleged SC Smith is above leaking every bit of the damning evidence outside of the process you describe? Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if he just filed it completely unredacted ignoring his own protective order, what would be the consequences? NFW he gets disciplined by the DOJ nor judge Chutkan.

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I think the author is far from naive... he is rightly cynical but the article just sets forth the correct process.

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I agree... Ship is far from naive.

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Yes, you conclude accurately; "the article just sets forth the correct process" Thereafter...

Oy, boy; good on you. Have you ever known alleged SC Smith to follow "the correct process"???

My guess is that I've followed (and supported) Ship a lot longer than you but calling him naive is at MINIMUM a compliment from me.

When it comes to actions from anyone/anything coming within the DOJ, Ship is anything but "cynical"! He's a BUTT LICKING PSYCHOPHANT! He cannot see the corruption that has irreparably disqualified his DOJ.

(Respectfully, may we agree to disagree? LOL!)

So now that you've provoked me, I'm going to depart from the MINIMUM, given his recent renewed attack via X of Julie Kelly.


He's so jealous of Julie Kelly that he can't report anything fairly, he smeared her again this morning in a xpost filled with lies.

But you can support his lies to your heart's content (or you could wake up and realize he's just half the man he pretends to be.

My hope is he puts down the bottle (an inference from Robert Barnes that splains a lot, Lucy), realizes how corrupt his beloved DOJ is and becomes the man he's capable of being.

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If you really believe that Julie offers you any meaningful legal analysis then you have your head stuck further up your ass than anything you wrote here otherwise suggests.

But I'm happy to keep your money.

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BTW, when it comes to "meaningful legal analysis", the highly esteemed Robert Barnes sides with Julie and I much more than he does with you.

So, pluck that out of your lubricated ARSE!

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Barnes is a blowhard who has never tried a federal criminal case.

Why do you suppose the block me?

They know they can't respond because they are both wildly over-matched.

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Indeed, I do! She has somethings you gave up long ago; they're called fairness, perspective and objectivity.

Having said that, the money is well spent, those J6ers have so few options that include your (albeit biased) experience. I fully support them (and will continue to pray that you find your way to the truth.)

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I respect our ability to agree to disagree.

The world would be a boring place -- like the Democrat Party -- if that wasn't true.

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On that we agree! Godspeed.

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I may be misunderstanding, but it seems like Chutkin is going to release some of the filing before the election. It's from CNN, so...

"The large court filing from prosecutors is set to come on Thursday. At first, it will be filed under seal. But Chutkan will have the ability to release a version of it to the public as part of the court file. The Justice Department plans to provide a redacted version that could be quickly released by the judge, likely before the November presidential election. "

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Great information Ship. I can see nothing but delays in Smith's future.

Also, I'm kind of wondering where the issue of Smith being an illegitimate SC fits in here... especially timing-wise. Does this issue even fit within the boundaries of this legal maneuvering?

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That is going nowhere in the DC case. The DC Circuit has already decided the issue re Mueller so Trump's defense will file the motion but it will be denied. It only becomes an issue in the Supreme Court if the 11th Circuit affirms the FL judge, as that would create a split in two circuits. No way to predict when they might be faced with a cert petition to take it up.

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So, as I've suggested before, the only option for Trump's team is to force that split (which they're in the process of doing) and try to get the SCOTUS to settle the issue... assuming they have an interest in resolving this issue... right?

The way I see it, Trump's team have to carefully create a split so that, at some point, the SCOTUS says... hey, this is a question we should consider... is that in the ballpark?

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Hoist by their own petard much?!! Seriously, Jack Smith is really not very smart. No half-way decent lawyer would push for such a briefing KNOWING that much of the info included will be covered by a protective order! This just proves Smith is a venal political swamp creature, not a real litigator.

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