Yep, people are appointed for the same reason, how they can enrich themselves and the people appointing them. These are teacher union and labor officials, real estate professionals and other professionals all in positions they have no knowledge or expertise in but can be used to squeeze money out of taxpayers. Typical big city Democrats.
Funny how the pattern of nepotism repeats itself in the unqualified classes. Here in DFW, the Dallas ISD is full of incompetent folks whose only merit is that they meet the correct diversity requirements AND are related to some other supervisory kluge. The Dallas public schools are predictably terrible. The unions are ever lobbying for "better teacher pay"--lol
It is convenient to look at this assembly of mediocrities and blame DEI. DEI is just a symptom of our crisis of competence. We lost parts of New Orleans because corrupt or ignorant supervisors failed to maintain levees. We lost the town of Paradise because corrupt or ignorant supervisors failed to maintain power lines. Boeing planes fall out of the sky because corrupt or ignorant supervisors pushed through unsafe designs and airlines fail at maintenance. Texas can’t keep its electricity going because nobody in charge seems to understand grid management.
We need Mandarins. Whether this happens because a proud and free people demand expert leadership or because China takes over and imposes their system…time will tell.
Ship, still working through your post but what I have read thus far is interesting and confirms my opinion that there is rampant incompetence in at least the leadership of the LAFD. I read the "Core Values' statement a few times and was struck by one that wasn't there. PUTTING OUT FIRES AND SAVING LIFES.
Not a station chief, actually firefighter or even ex-military member among them. Zero problem solving or real world personnel management background for any of them. Gee, what could go wrong?
I have to disagree that ALL of the above lack credentials to deal with the apocalyptic aftermath of the scorched earth destruction of LA . The real estate broker will likely find ways to sell uninsurable burnt out neighborhoods to folks like Blackrock, assuming she wants to work a little bit. (meanwhile the hapless uninsured homeowners --thanks to the Cali legislature cap on insurance profits causing home insurers to leave the state--will be eternally on the hook for their mortgage balances and property taxes). Now that's what I call leftist futuristic planning.
these fires look like the perfect 'storm' or object lesson of how and why leftist ideas don't work. From what I've read since yesterday: 1. up to 90% reduction in MBF harvested from CA forests since the 1950s means a lot more fuel to burn; 2. insufficient cleaning of forest underbrush increasing fire fuel/tinder; 3. by prioritizing a small fish water was diverted into the ocean rather than to human uses including fire hydrants; 4. disallowing legislation to exempt controlled burns from air quality standards and permitting, yielding more tinder; 5. demurring on requests to bury electric lines underground; 6. hiring based on DEI priorities 7. firing those who declined the Covid jab; if it can be believed 8. giving local firefighting resources (equipment, maybe funding?) to Ukraine; 9. failure to plan for water, firefighters, evacuation routes, etc. in the event of major and/or multiple fires. It's all there: rank mismanagement and incompetence, support for global initiatives while ignoring constituent needs, misplaced environmentalism, DEI balderdash over competence, Covid discrimination . . . I'd want heads on pikes if I lived in California.
I was just reading the famous muckraking book, The Shame of the Cities, last night. It's about big city corruption around 1900. Sounds just like LA. A typical problem was bloodsucking members of the political machine taking high-paid city jobs and diverting the budget to paying their own people. Things would get so bad that eventually white anglo-saxon city business leaders would lead a reform effort, throw a bunch of the crooks in jail, and fire a bunch of others. Nowadays, it is the teachers' unions that are a big source of power and corruption.
This is the sort of detailed analysis of "how your taxpayer money goes into useless people's pockets" (i.e.: flushed down the toilet) we need on all local and national levels. As the threat of the fires encroached on the campus, JPL closed its doors on 8 January to all but emergency response personnel. Following its long-standing fire protocols, the lab has kept its hillside campus clear of brush and other potential fuel for a fire, created firebreaks, maintained an on-site fire department, and kept close track of the materials and chemicals in all lab spaces.
WADR, I'm not taking the time to read this. As you well know, we have our disagreements, but I continue to support you because your clients need better representation than your corrupt DOJ provides through the Public Defender program. Despite our disagreements I continue to hold that belief, but between your inexcusable and inexplicable criticism and nit-picking the work of one of the best investigative reporters (Julie Kelly) on the side of your clients, your refusal to see how corrupt your beloved DOJ has become - to the point most all if not all of your clients would have no charges brought but for the entrapment, and even planting of evidence in some cases by your beloved DOJ, that belief is waning rapidly.
You justify your chauvinistic critic of Julie as she's not a lawyer (stepped outside of her food blogger expertise) yet you steadily step out to provide polling analysis (not badly, actually) and now political analysis, I can only say:
This may be unfair, but you've pushed me to the edge. So long as a single J6er remains in custody...
The next time you post anything outside of your field of expertise, I will know you are less concerned about the welfare of your clients than your own circumstances and my support will end immediately.
I hope others will follow my lead, but if not, so be it.
Fuck off Pete. Save your money. I'll be cutting you off shortly, but I want you to see this first.
There have been 1200+ cases filed, 250 have gone to trial, and exactly 2 have resulted in acquittals -- under very odd factual scenarios. For one the Govt didn't even conduct at trial -- it relied on the transcripts of three prior Oath Keeper. trials where teh defendant -- James Beeks -- was hardly even mentioned. Judge Mehta said nothing in the prior three trial implicated Beeks.
So that leaves you one case -- a four misdemeanor case, that Judge McFadden said was a "very close call."
What is it that you think hasn't been tried by hundreds of defense attorneys in these cases.
Just to show the level of your ignorance of the federal courts and criminal justice system, DOJ does not provide the Federal Defender system. Federal Defenders are an arm of the Judicial Branch. They work for and are paid for by the Judiciary, not the Executive.
Julie Kelly is a clown. I hear from numerous attorneys who agree with every criticism I level against her. Most are not active on X, but some who are also speak up from time to time and point out her mistakes.
Point out a prominent experienced criminal defense practitioner who thinks she gets the law right.
You can spend all day reading her and maybe you'll get 50% accurate information.
Maybe that's what you do now, and that's what accounts for the fact that your views are so moronic for the most part.
People like Pete are a like a cancer on highly informative sites like your site...
The sad fact is, there are always the Petes of the world that need to make everything about them and, in order to do that, they tear down anybody that stands above them.
p,s., I'm old enough to remember when you would apologize for going long periods with no posts. You might even remember that I only congratulated you then for putting your clients' priorities first. I've been consistent in prioritizing your clients' needs; regrettably that's been a one way street. IMO
Read the response. Your the one that began picking on someone for daring to chime in on legal analysis if they weren't a lawyer. It's your hypocrisy combined with your arrogance, that almost measure up to your being oblivious to DOJ corruption.
I did notice your lack of posting. I thought it good. Had you ever apologized for being such a pathetic bore toward JK, I'd have backed off; sadly you're not man enough.
p.s., your skills at name calling underscore your lack of character.
After all this drive towards Diversity, Exclusion and Incompetence, I hope the wildfires don't just burn out the rich, liberal enclaves, but also include plenty of neighborhoods full of blacks, Latinos and LBGQRETARDS.
Yep, people are appointed for the same reason, how they can enrich themselves and the people appointing them. These are teacher union and labor officials, real estate professionals and other professionals all in positions they have no knowledge or expertise in but can be used to squeeze money out of taxpayers. Typical big city Democrats.
Funny how the pattern of nepotism repeats itself in the unqualified classes. Here in DFW, the Dallas ISD is full of incompetent folks whose only merit is that they meet the correct diversity requirements AND are related to some other supervisory kluge. The Dallas public schools are predictably terrible. The unions are ever lobbying for "better teacher pay"--lol
It is convenient to look at this assembly of mediocrities and blame DEI. DEI is just a symptom of our crisis of competence. We lost parts of New Orleans because corrupt or ignorant supervisors failed to maintain levees. We lost the town of Paradise because corrupt or ignorant supervisors failed to maintain power lines. Boeing planes fall out of the sky because corrupt or ignorant supervisors pushed through unsafe designs and airlines fail at maintenance. Texas can’t keep its electricity going because nobody in charge seems to understand grid management.
We need Mandarins. Whether this happens because a proud and free people demand expert leadership or because China takes over and imposes their system…time will tell.
DEI is the reason for the Crisis of competence. Don't worry, it will burn itself out eventually.
If only we could get some mediocrities. We live in Idiocracy.
Ship, still working through your post but what I have read thus far is interesting and confirms my opinion that there is rampant incompetence in at least the leadership of the LAFD. I read the "Core Values' statement a few times and was struck by one that wasn't there. PUTTING OUT FIRES AND SAVING LIFES.
Not a station chief, actually firefighter or even ex-military member among them. Zero problem solving or real world personnel management background for any of them. Gee, what could go wrong?
I have to disagree that ALL of the above lack credentials to deal with the apocalyptic aftermath of the scorched earth destruction of LA . The real estate broker will likely find ways to sell uninsurable burnt out neighborhoods to folks like Blackrock, assuming she wants to work a little bit. (meanwhile the hapless uninsured homeowners --thanks to the Cali legislature cap on insurance profits causing home insurers to leave the state--will be eternally on the hook for their mortgage balances and property taxes). Now that's what I call leftist futuristic planning.
these fires look like the perfect 'storm' or object lesson of how and why leftist ideas don't work. From what I've read since yesterday: 1. up to 90% reduction in MBF harvested from CA forests since the 1950s means a lot more fuel to burn; 2. insufficient cleaning of forest underbrush increasing fire fuel/tinder; 3. by prioritizing a small fish water was diverted into the ocean rather than to human uses including fire hydrants; 4. disallowing legislation to exempt controlled burns from air quality standards and permitting, yielding more tinder; 5. demurring on requests to bury electric lines underground; 6. hiring based on DEI priorities 7. firing those who declined the Covid jab; if it can be believed 8. giving local firefighting resources (equipment, maybe funding?) to Ukraine; 9. failure to plan for water, firefighters, evacuation routes, etc. in the event of major and/or multiple fires. It's all there: rank mismanagement and incompetence, support for global initiatives while ignoring constituent needs, misplaced environmentalism, DEI balderdash over competence, Covid discrimination . . . I'd want heads on pikes if I lived in California.
I was just reading the famous muckraking book, The Shame of the Cities, last night. It's about big city corruption around 1900. Sounds just like LA. A typical problem was bloodsucking members of the political machine taking high-paid city jobs and diverting the budget to paying their own people. Things would get so bad that eventually white anglo-saxon city business leaders would lead a reform effort, throw a bunch of the crooks in jail, and fire a bunch of others. Nowadays, it is the teachers' unions that are a big source of power and corruption.
This is the sort of detailed analysis of "how your taxpayer money goes into useless people's pockets" (i.e.: flushed down the toilet) we need on all local and national levels. As the threat of the fires encroached on the campus, JPL closed its doors on 8 January to all but emergency response personnel. Following its long-standing fire protocols, the lab has kept its hillside campus clear of brush and other potential fuel for a fire, created firebreaks, maintained an on-site fire department, and kept close track of the materials and chemicals in all lab spaces.
WADR, I'm not taking the time to read this. As you well know, we have our disagreements, but I continue to support you because your clients need better representation than your corrupt DOJ provides through the Public Defender program. Despite our disagreements I continue to hold that belief, but between your inexcusable and inexplicable criticism and nit-picking the work of one of the best investigative reporters (Julie Kelly) on the side of your clients, your refusal to see how corrupt your beloved DOJ has become - to the point most all if not all of your clients would have no charges brought but for the entrapment, and even planting of evidence in some cases by your beloved DOJ, that belief is waning rapidly.
You justify your chauvinistic critic of Julie as she's not a lawyer (stepped outside of her food blogger expertise) yet you steadily step out to provide polling analysis (not badly, actually) and now political analysis, I can only say:
This may be unfair, but you've pushed me to the edge. So long as a single J6er remains in custody...
The next time you post anything outside of your field of expertise, I will know you are less concerned about the welfare of your clients than your own circumstances and my support will end immediately.
I hope others will follow my lead, but if not, so be it.
Fuck off Pete. Save your money. I'll be cutting you off shortly, but I want you to see this first.
There have been 1200+ cases filed, 250 have gone to trial, and exactly 2 have resulted in acquittals -- under very odd factual scenarios. For one the Govt didn't even conduct at trial -- it relied on the transcripts of three prior Oath Keeper. trials where teh defendant -- James Beeks -- was hardly even mentioned. Judge Mehta said nothing in the prior three trial implicated Beeks.
So that leaves you one case -- a four misdemeanor case, that Judge McFadden said was a "very close call."
What is it that you think hasn't been tried by hundreds of defense attorneys in these cases.
Just to show the level of your ignorance of the federal courts and criminal justice system, DOJ does not provide the Federal Defender system. Federal Defenders are an arm of the Judicial Branch. They work for and are paid for by the Judiciary, not the Executive.
Julie Kelly is a clown. I hear from numerous attorneys who agree with every criticism I level against her. Most are not active on X, but some who are also speak up from time to time and point out her mistakes.
Point out a prominent experienced criminal defense practitioner who thinks she gets the law right.
You can spend all day reading her and maybe you'll get 50% accurate information.
Maybe that's what you do now, and that's what accounts for the fact that your views are so moronic for the most part.
People like Pete are a like a cancer on highly informative sites like your site...
The sad fact is, there are always the Petes of the world that need to make everything about them and, in order to do that, they tear down anybody that stands above them.
This is an extremely useful article to me. Your time is well spent on this issue IMO.
Re read your own post. If you had spent more time dealing with the very issues in your 2nd paragraph, you may have found some actual success.
Good riddance.
p,s., I'm old enough to remember when you would apologize for going long periods with no posts. You might even remember that I only congratulated you then for putting your clients' priorities first. I've been consistent in prioritizing your clients' needs; regrettably that's been a one way street. IMO
This is only my 54th article in the last 6 weeks.
I've posted only 6 since Sept. 30.
So I don't know what the fuck you are referring to about not putting clients' priorities first.
My clients know I write here. They know the revenue I get from writing here helps cover the costs of their defense so I can represent them for free.
How many clients have decided they wanted a new attorney in the last 6 months? Zero.
Quit speaking for them.
Your an ignorant old asshole who I will gladly see disappear from this space.
Read the response. Your the one that began picking on someone for daring to chime in on legal analysis if they weren't a lawyer. It's your hypocrisy combined with your arrogance, that almost measure up to your being oblivious to DOJ corruption.
I did notice your lack of posting. I thought it good. Had you ever apologized for being such a pathetic bore toward JK, I'd have backed off; sadly you're not man enough.
p.s., your skills at name calling underscore your lack of character.
If you don't like SWC's posts, don't read them! And, stop ruining this site, or any other site you choose to curse, with your venom.
After all this drive towards Diversity, Exclusion and Incompetence, I hope the wildfires don't just burn out the rich, liberal enclaves, but also include plenty of neighborhoods full of blacks, Latinos and LBGQRETARDS.